WiFi 6 technology will help educational institutions use the full potential of the digitalization of the educational process

And this will happen thanks to the new WiFi access point 6 (11ax) from EZELINK, which completely solves the problem of low wireless performance with a high density of client devices.
Today, EZELINK announced the launch of a series of WiFi 6 (11 ax ) access points that provide high-performance wireless network in classrooms, university classrooms and other facilities with a high density of client devices.
Today, teachers and students often use interactive “smart” boards, laptops, tablets, smartphones and other devices connected to the Internet during lessons. However, if 20-40 people are simultaneously engaged in the room, then the wireless network performance decreases. As a result, files are slowly loading, pauses occur during video playback, and so on. These problems appear even in those educational institutions where each class has a separate WiFi access point. That is why a new solution for a wireless network was required, able to increase its capacity and remove technological barriers that impede the use of modern teaching methods.
A new series of EZELINK WiFi 6 (11ax) access points, simultaneously provides connection to the network of several dozen devices and completely eliminates the influence of channel overlap on the network.
 WiFi 6 (high efficiency wireless) is the latest generation of wireless technology that delivers increased data rates and capacity along with reduced latency.

WiFi  6 - the key to a new stage in learning technologies
With the new OFDMA technologies and the reuse of spatial reuse  (BSS color coding), dozens of users can simultaneously connect to the next-generation access point without losing speed and delays. As a result, the quality of the connection and the efficiency of WIFi are significantly improved, since it is possible to simultaneously conduct more data transfer sessions without delay and competition for the right to use bandwidth.

This is especially important for indoor classes, where users can change bandwidth requirements, for example, when they work with an interactive training program or download educational multimedia materials, but at the same time, the access speed for everyone in the lesson should be the same.

Smart antenna minimizes the effect of channel overlap on network performance
Although the WiFi 6 standard has many advantages, it does not completely eliminate the problem of channel overlapping when using the same channel with a large number of WiFi devices. The EZELINK WiFi6 access point is  equipped with a smart antenna , which, combined with spatial reuse technology, improves wireless network performance and more effectively than other WiFi 6 access points eliminates the effect of channel overlap. 

In addition to the smart antenna, the access point supports 5 Gb - ethernet  and multi-gigabitspeeds of the WiFi 6 standard, which speeds up data transfer over a wireless network. A special channel scanning mechanism provides constant monitoring of potential wireless network problems without affecting the quality of WiFi, and the optimized hardware design of the access point improves the protection of wireless communications from interference.

The 11ax series access points for educational institutions and other organizations can independently manage their network with the help of cloud technologies without involving expensive IT specialists.
Budget organizations can try the basic package, for which you do not need to buy a license. The more powerful Monitoring System implements a number of advanced functions, including monitoring the status of the wireless network with report generation, by which employees can easily identify possible WiFiproblems and quickly fix them. The lifelong subscription option of this package allows you to maintain continuous network performance without an annual license fee. 
Schools, colleges and universities are trying to apply new technologies that are more actively involved in the educational process and improve teaching methods. They require specialized user-friendly solution that prevents the imposition WiFi channels in a situation where at the time of the lesson you need to provide continuous access to the Internet several dozen students

With our new WiFi access point 6 (11ax), waiting for large files to download and the instability of the wireless connection will be a thing of the past. Now teachers and students will be able to maximize the full potential of digital learning technologies.


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