EZELINK High Density wifi for Stadiums, Conferences, Media Launch & Product Launch

Building Wi-Fi networks at sites with a high user density is an urgent task. This article analyzes the various options for its solution proposed by the main players in the market of Wi-Fi products. There are many examples of high-density environments where users are located close to each other: lecture halls, stadiums, train stations, exhibition centers, meeting rooms in an office complex, etc. If a typical office has an area of about 10-12 m 2 per user , then at objects like those listed, this figure can be an order of magnitude higher - one person per 1 m 2 . To evaluate the high-density Wi-Fi network solutions available on the market, the Network Solutions Magazine / LAN and the OSP Data Analytical Group developed a model task for a fictitious customer and asked the main players to submit their proposals. The essence of the task is to organize a Wi-Fi network for Internet access at an object intended for large public events. Property area of 4000 m 2 , number of active ...